February 7, 2025

Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation - Call for Project Proposals in Bulgaria

In response to the challenges posed on Bulgarian society and media landscape, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST) has launched a new call for proposals which aims to amplify the capacity of Bulgarian CSOs and media actors counter the negative impact of the coronavirus outbreak on society, free media and rule of law.


Projects should be initiated by civil society organizations legally registered in Bulgaria. Project proposals should limit their impact to Bulgaria. Under the current call, BST will support proposals that fall under one of the following thematic areas:

  1. Good governance. Under this thematic area, priority will be given to proposals that increase government oversight if public procurements, especially regarding pandemic-related efforts. Access to open data, monitoring and evaluating public tenders at local and national level as well as increase transparency of decision-making processes, particularly regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution, are some of the indicative actions eligible under this thematic area.
  2. Advancing media freedom. Under this thematic area, priority will be given to proposals that provide evidence-based information on key pressing issues. Combating fake news, reporting to new audiences, vulnerable to disinformation, as well as enhancing the digital skills of relevant audiences and target groups are some of the indicative actions eligible under this thematic area.

An award ceiling of $24,999 USD may only be exceeded by exceptional projects. Proposals under $5,000 USD will not be taken into consideration. Management costs (excluding experts) and administrative costs are cumulatively limited to 25 percent of the overall award. The purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff, as well as needed IT&C equipment and services is allowable. Purchase for protective equipment (PPE) for end beneficiaries is not an allowable cost.

The minimum duration of a project is six months, and the maximum duration is 12 months.

Proposals will be received on an ongoing basis until January 10, 2021.

For more information, please access: https://www.gmfus.org/resilience-through-innovation?fbclid=IwAR2MNRIQm74NguYX3B_ceT3Sz_k3Q6ydB3WcmbkC5lO0aCq9F4asZ70oEH4 .

Bulgaria Funding Opportunities Partnerships

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