The new digital era of media, and the globalisation of economic and political processes have brought new challenges to journalism. In particular, they have highlighted the need to develop international professional networks in order to understand regional characteristics and better cover transnational stories.
To reflect the needs of journalists Perspektivy is opening a scheme that aims to connect journalists in ‘cross-border’ collaboration by working together to produce stories through partnership and collaboration that transcend their national border.
The “Cross-Border journalism” programme is an opportunity for journalists and bloggers in the early and mid stages of their career looking for the chance to develop their skills in international reporting and enhance their professional network abroad.
Working in teams, participants can produce joint or individual work. These stories can be on any topic, as long as they draw on examples from outside of their home country.
Journalists, freelancers, and bloggers from the Eastern Partnership countries are encourarged to apply.
The deadline for submitting applications is the 12th of February 2017.
More details are available at: .