January 20, 2025

Call for Applications: The 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum, 17-20 June 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania/ DDL: the 5th of April 2019

This year it is celebrated the 10th year anniversary of the Eastern Partnership. Lithuania will organise at that occasion the 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum, between the 17th and 20th of June 2019, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event will focus on “Critical thinking through media literacy and active participation”.


The event will gather youth and youth work representatives, around 250 participants: each EaP country with 10 delegates from youth, organizations and institutions working with youth, EaP Youth ambassadors network representatives, 34 “Erasmus+” programme countries with 2 delegates per country, team of facilitators and experts, other European Union, Council of Europe, national agency and international youth organizations representatives.


The main objectives of the 4th Eastern Partnership Youth Forum are:

  • Celebrate the 10th anniversary of European Union and Eastern Partnership cooperation, highlight the impact and achievements;
  • Provide opportunities for young people to contribute to the high level discussions about a joint vision for European Union and Eastern Partnership cooperation, and to convey recommendations to the Eastern Partnership Summit in 2020;
  • Foster discussions and unity between delegates of European Union and Eastern Partnership regions on the changing landscape of youth demands and youth policy;
  • Encourage further cooperation, partnerships and good practice exchange among young people, youth workers, organizations and institutions dealing with youth policy in European Union and Eastern Partnership countries;
  • Collect the opinions of young people on Critical thinking, media literacy and active participation and inform the discussions of Eastern Partnership High level Summit in 2020.

Participants should have one of the following profiles:

  • ‘Active’ young people who can contribute to the thematic focus of the Forum from their own experience, for instance those working in a youth organisation, NGO and civil society organisation, involved in youth projects and programmes, volunteering, community activities, founders of (social) enterprises – both at local and transnational level.
  • Youth workers, and those working with young people in one of the thematic fields of the Forum.

All costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered. The costs of participants coming from Eastern Partnership Countries will be covered by European Commission.


The deadline for submitting applications is the 5th of April 2019.


Find out more details at: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/the-4th-eastern-partnership-youth-forum.7880/?fbclid=IwAR2HDSTgrZrZvSrKVZbW1Y_qLDShIzecMr0UNV2TNdZJEA32GiYn0lwQTq4 .

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