December 3, 2024

Call for Applications: The Mobility Fund for CSOs from the European Region/ 16th of January - 31st of March 2018 (ongoing)

TheCPDE LOGO Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND is launching a Call for Applications for the Mobility Fund for CSOs from the European Region, implemented with the financial support of CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness – CPDE.


The Mobility Fund for CSOs from the European Region has as main objective ensuring the visibility and representation of the EU, Black Sea & Balkans sub-regions at relevant regional and international events and initiatives.


This activity supports the mobility of civil society representatives (CSOs) in the EU, Black Sea and Balkan sub-regions, in order to foster knowledge sharing, expertise and exchange of best practices within the framework of development effectiveness and enabling environment.


The Mobility Fund is open to representatives coming from civil society organizations from the following sub-regions of the European Region part of CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness: the European Union, the Black Sea and the Balkans.


The eligible activities, for which the mobility costs can be covered, are: conferences, seminars, workshops, international fora and high level meetings organized within the framework of development effectiveness and enabling environment.


Applications for the Mobility Fund will be received and assessed in an ongoing matter, on a first come, first served basis during the period January – March 2018, within the limits of available funds and by strictly applying the eligibility criteria.


The maximum covered amount is:

  • 500 Euro for the round trip transport (plane or train ticket, gas etc.)
  • 90 Euro/ night for accommodation (maximum 4 nights).
  • Local transport and meals should not exceed 60 Euro/per day.

For more information about the application process, please see the following documents:

This activity will be implemented during the 16th of January – 31st of March 2018 and it is part of the annual Work Plan of the European Region of the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness – CPDE.


We invite those interested to send their applications by e-mail at at least 15 days prior to the date the event takes place.

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