February 7, 2025

Call for Participation: Opportunity for new civil society organisations and informal initiative groups

Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova is a regional project implemented by the Czech NGO People in Need and funded by the European Union. The aim of the project is to support selected participants in developing a vision for change, planning concrete steps for how to achieve it, building capacities, and accessing resources needed to go from plan to reality in the countries of the South Caucasus region and the Republic of Moldova. Furthermore, the organization will work together with participants to design a tailored program to help their initiatives grow and achieve their goals.

The focus is on:

new civil society organization (registered within the past 3 years), or an informal initiative group or social movement;

Which are:

  • seeking to mobilize people in their community to influence real positive change,
  • raising important issues that may not yet be widely understood or discussed in the society and proposing solutions,
  • ready to invest your time and energy in the development of your initiative, organisation or campaign.

Within this project you will have an opportunity to:

  • develop a strategy for your initiative/organisation/campaign,
  • take part in training’s, coaching, mentoring, consultations, study visits, fellowships,
  • establish or improve connections with your supporters and volunteers,
  • get support for research and building thematic expertise,
  • get involved in policy dialogue at the local, national, or international level,
  • network with peers and partners in Armenia and abroad,
  • find out if, why, and how to engage with the private sector,
  • find effective, transparent, and accountable ways to self-organize and manage resources,
  • get access to funding opportunities for your internal development and for your campaign (in July-August 2021, every participant that successfully passes the first stage of the program will be able to apply for up to EUR 10 000 of internal funding linked to their strategic plans),
  • learn about other fundraising options that best suit your strategy.

More details about the application process are available here.

Application due date: 12 April 2021, 17:00 via e-mail: grantsarmenia@peopleinneed.cz

*People in Need started out in 1992 as a grassroots initiative by a group of Czech war correspondents who wanted to complement their reporting on conflicts and crises around the world by providing aid to those in need.

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