February 7, 2025

Call for Proposals: Black Sea Basin CBC “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020”/ DL: 31.05.2017, 24:00

The 1st call for project proposals of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020″ has been officially launched by the Black Sea Basin for Cross Border Cooperation.


The 1st call for proposals wis open for the project proposals contributing to all Programme thematic objectives and priorities:
1. Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin
Priority 1.1 Jointly promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors;
Priority 1.2 Increase cross-border trade opportunities and modernisation in the agricultural and connected sectors.


2. Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin
Priority 2.1 Improve joint environmental monitoring;
Priority 2.2 Promote common awareness-raising and joint actions to reduce river and marine litter;


The overall indicative amount of ENI funds for the two thematic objectives for the first call is 19,655,625.60 EUR.


Applicants that are interest to apply must complete and submit their application electronically via the electronic monitoring system of the programme (e-MS).


The deadline for submitting proposals is the 31st of May 2017, 24:00 (GMT+2).


Additional information regarding the application procedure can be found here.

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