The European Commission has launched a call for proposal through its European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights. EIDHR is designed to support civil society to become an effective force for political reform and defence of human rights. The global objective of this call for proposals is to support civil society in protection and promotion of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide.
This call has 3 main lots: (1) business and human rights, (2) fight against torture and other ill-treatment, and (3) democratic accountability.
Organizations from the countries in the Black Sea Region and neighboring areas, mainly Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and Turkey can apply under the second lot: 2. Fight against torture and other ill-treatment.
The specific objective lot 2 is to provide support to civil society projects by contributing to the prohibition and prevention of torture, ensuring accountability for torture and other ill treatment outside the EU, in particular by supporting civil society in the implementation of existing legislation, court rulings, regional statutes, and other forms of regulations on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; it also aims at fostering coalitions and build synergies between civil society organisations and different non-state actors (such as national preventive mechanisms (NPMs), bar associations, etc.), and state actors (such as justice actors, penitentiary authorities, law enforcement officials, etc.) in the county(ies) covered by the proposal.
This call for proposal will finance projects that respect the rights-based approach (RBA) methodology. For further details about the RBA methodology, please visit:
Rules for applying – Eligibility criteria
There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to:
(1) the actors:
- the ‘lead applicant’-the entity submitting the application form (be a legal person or an entity without legal personality, be non-profit, be a non-governmental civil society organization, be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action)
- if any, its co-applicant(s) (same criteria as the ‘lead applicant’)
- and, if any, affiliated entity(ies) to the lead applicant and/or to a co-applicant(s);
(2) the actions (monitoring of and sensitisation on existing legislation; monitoring the situation of places where people are deprived of liberty and where torture and ill-treatment might occur, in order to prevent ill treatment)
(3) the costs: types of cost that may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant.
All the application must be submitted via PADAOR, available at the following link:
The sum of the grants when applying must be between:
- Minimum amount: EUR 700,000
- Maximum amount: EUR 1,500,000
The concept note together with the declaration by the lead must be submitted online via PROSPECT ( following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.
The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 09/01/2020 at 12:00 (Brussels date and time).
Questions may be sent by e-mail at no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of concept notes to the address(es) below, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals.
For more detailed information regarding the application process and all the necessary criteria, we invite you to visit this link.