February 7, 2025

CPDE reaction to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA): Reclaim lost ground, advance the development effectiveness agenda in the post-2015 era

CPDE’s expectations for the Addis Ababa Financing for Development Conference – FfD3 (13th – 16th July) were captured in a position paper called “A long way from Monterrey to Addis: Placing an effective global partnership at the heart of development processes”.


The position outlines 10 key issues for the FfD3 conference to respond to, including: safeguarding country leadership and policy space, aligning all kinds of cooperation with the effectiveness principles, boosting the implementation of the effectiveness agenda both at the global and the local level, keeping ODA focused on poverty reduction, binding the private sector to effectiveness and safeguard mechanisms, stemming illicit flows, and making climate finance additional.


CPDE believes it is right to raise the bar high so as to better capitalise on commitments endorsed by the international community over the years – from Monterrey to Paris, from Doha to Busan – as well as to respond to the emerging development challenges, which come with unprecedented financial needs. The FfD3 was a critical opportunity to reform the current global governance system, overcome power imbalances, and address systemic issues. But the international community agreed to a compromise conclusion: the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) is not up to the task and leaves many key issues unaddressed. At its best, the AAAA narrative echoes some of the past commitments, but fails to unite all development actors in joint efforts to speed up the implementation of fundamental effectiveness principles.


It is now up to the international community to revive the development effectiveness agenda. All interested parties – from governments to CSOs, from GPEDC to UNDCF – must feel the moral duty to step in and make sure that the principle of ownership and the entire development effectiveness agenda will be duly fulfilled, contributing to place the FfD agenda on track.


In view of the shortcomings of the FfD3, and with the post-2015 and climate negotiations just around the corner, CPDE will continue to champion development effectiveness as the cornerstone of international cooperation as well as the commitment towards a review mechanism that will take stock of and monitor progress, identify gaps, and promote accountability.


The entire article can be read below:


The Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND is the focal point for the Black Sea and the Balkans sub-region (part of the European region within CPDE).

CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness - CPDE News

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