CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness – CPDE has published a statement in what regards the outcome document of the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum, which was held between the 22nd and 25th of May, in New York.
Acknowledging the importance of development co-operation and development effectiveness, CPDE underlines the following areas of concern approached within the outcome document:
- The stagnating aid volume;
- The possible reinforcement of tied aid;
- The overreliance on an unaccountable and unregulated private sector;
- The weak democratic ownership of development strategies;
- The regression in human rights commitments.
We invite you to read the official statement, which is available online at the following link: http://csopartnership.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/31MayDraft_CPDE-Statement-on-the-2017-ECOSOC-FfD-follow-up-Outcome-Document.pdf .