- Civil Society Organisations as Actors of Governance and Development/ DDL: 15th of May 2020
The EU Delegation to Armenia has just launched a new Call for Proposals for “Civil Society Organisations as Actors of Governance and Development”, with an aim to strengthen non-governmental actors and promote cooperation between civil society organisations to contribute to social change and inclusive, sustainable development in Armenia.
The specific objectives and priorities of this call are:
Lot 1: Reduction of poverty, inequality and vulnerability, focusing on solutions addressing the causes and effects of poverty and inequality through enhancing civil society capacity to revitalize public discourse on inequality and poverty, to advocate for poverty (income and consumption poverty, education and learning poverty, health and nutrition poverty, etc.) reduction policies, to develop replicable services for tackling different dimension of poverty and to enhance capacity of vulnerable groups to manage economic and social risks, shocks i.e. Covid19 crisis.
Lot 2: Youth participation, focusing on strengthening the rights of young people and their empowerment and involvement in public affairs through enhancing capacity of young people and youth organisations to enable youth civic engagement through formal and non-formal education, to promote student democracy, to support youth dialogue with policy-makers and to advocate for youth-responsive policies.
Lot 3: Climate change adaptation, environmental protection and sustainable management of local resources, focusing on sustainable and green development through enhancing civil society capacity to monitor implementation of key environmental policies, to ensure access to environmental information, to raise awareness and advocate for conservation, environmental protection and relevant climate change adaptation measures in Armenia, to promote environmentally conscious practices, better management of community biodiversity, better management and maintenance of public spaces.
The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 3.000.000.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is the 15th of May 2020.
2. Human Rights and Democracy Promotion through Civil Society in Armenia/ DDL: 25th of May 2020
The EU Delegation has published a new Call for Proposals “Human Rights and Democracy Promotion through Civil Society in Armenia”, which combines funding under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) for Armenia (Lot 1-2) and an allocation for Civil Society in the AAP 2018 for Armenia – EU4Citizens: Deepening Democracy (Lot 3).
Partly in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, this Call contributes to generate debate, increase awareness of COVID-19 impacts and consequences for the Armenian civil society, on topics such as social protection and labour rights –social and economic rights- dimensions, emergency preparedness, etc.
The global objective of the CfP is to support civil society in promoting and protecting human rights, access to justice, labour rights, civic participation and wider democratic reform in Armenia, particularly for more vulnerable population groups.
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
Lot 1: Support human rights organisations and other civil society actors in joint monitoring of and reporting on the implementation of justice sector reform and police reform with a view to increase public awareness & debate and to improve service delivery and access to justice for citizens;
Lot 2: Support human rights organisations and other civil society actors in joint actions to further strengthen social and labour rights protection, raising awareness of international and European labour standards and monitoring the implementation of social protection issues and labour rights reform in Armenia with a view to increase public awareness and debate and to improve social protection and labour rights protection;
Lot 3: Support civil society organisations in establishing meaningful, structured platforms that engage citizens and civil society actors in effective dialogue with government and increase their influence at all stages of policy cycle.
The total amount of funding available is EUR 1.6 million of which EUR 1.2 million is EIDHR funding.
The deadline for submitting Concept Notes is Monday, the 25th May 2020.
Find out more at the following link: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/armenia/77375/call-proposals-%E2%80%9Chuman-rights-and-democracy-promotion-through-civil-society-armenia%E2%80%9D_en?fbclid=IwAR1ph9Ld35Z6_RXgqvoV8xYkzlOPZ-PlUUQSq967FkDjIDx6lqLyUnWbWsY .