We are happy to present our latest Black Sea Newsletter – autumn edition.
The highlight of this season is the VII edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum “Enabling Environment for CSOs: Towards a Strategy of Civil Society in the Black Sea Region”, which will be held between the 8th-10th of December, 2014, in Kiev, Ukraine and is organized by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND, with the support of the European Commission, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in partnership with UNDP Bratislava Regional Center.
Also, we are glad to introduce you the new Black Sea NGO website, friendlier and easier to use. We have a special ‘’Members Area’’ where you can connect on a virtual forum to interact with other participants at the Black Sea Forum and to discuss subjects of your interest. To access the forum you will need a password and login name that you will receive from us. Please contact us at oana.perju@fondromania.org for further details. As a forum member you will have the possibility to post on the website news related to your country and be actively engaged in the discussions present in the online forum.
In order to improve our Newsletter and the communication with you, please feel free to send us your recommendations or news in your region. For further details, our contact person is Ms. Irina Lupu (irina.lupu@fondromania.org).
Have a wonderful International Black Sea Day!
To visualize the Newsletter, please check the link here